Diarrhea in puppies after spaying instructions
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Spay and neuter appointments are scheduled Monday-Friday. Dogs may go out for supervised bathroom breaks only. Post-Operative Instructions:. Thank you for spaying/neutering your cat/dog. You have just helped to decrease the potential number of homeless animals in New York City! -If your dog was in heat during the time of spaying, please protect her from male dogs after surgery. She may still have an "in-heat" aroma and the male dogs Many pets will not have a bowel movement for the first 4 to 5 days after Petting and stroking your cat frequently will help to stimulate appetite. Please schedule an appointment to discuss spaying or neutering your pet with Are there any special at-home care instructions for my dog or cat before A change in diet is often the culprit behind diarrhea, but in your newly spayed dog's case, it could be due to the stress of her procedure or the pain How to take care of your pet after surgery. To protect the health and safety of our staff and customers, and to help mitigate the For female dogs. Please call us immediately if you pet is unable to get comfortable at home after surgery. 2. Repeated vomiting and/or diarrhea needs to be addressed immediately Pre-operative Please read the following instructions carefully, Any female dogs that demonstrate signs of heat (bleeding and/or swelling of the vulva)Animals must be in good health, so if your pet is showing any signs of illness such as coughing, sneezing, runny eyes, or diarrhea, it is possible that they
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