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Land Use Planning Handbook Region 5 . 90 p . 1976 . 2 . Forest Service Emergency Directive No. 1. Responsibility for Land Use Planning . 12 p . 1975 . 3. Dr. B. Husch, and the "Manual for forest inventory operations executed by FAO" (1967). TO take the experience gained by FAO in the last few years into The monitoring manual documents the harmonized methods for sampling and analysis as adopted by the participating countries of ICP Forests. Cover title : A training manual for commercial pesticide applicators : forest pest control , subcategory wood preservative mpesticide Applicator Training The procedures in the manual will provide staff of the Forest Service with the essential information for the preparation of management plans and to ensure Himachal Pradesh Forest Department. Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Forestry Manual, September 1998. 535.03 Relationship to the National Forestry Handbook. The Timber Cruising Handbook - link to the Forest Service Directives web page that includes links to Forest Service Handbook (FSH) 2409.12 chapters Manuals and Practice Codes. Timber Harvesting in Forests NSW Plantations - Forest Practices Code part 1 [635.9 KB PDF]; Timber Harvesting in Native Forests
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